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LOFAR-UK White Paper: A Science case for UK involvement in LOFAR




LOFAR, the Low-Frequency Array, is a next-generation software-driven radiotelescope operating between 30 and 240MHz, currently under construction byASTRON in the Netherlands. This low frequency radio band is one of the fewlargely unexplored regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The sensitivity andangular resolution offered by LOFAR will be two to three orders of magnitudebetter than existing telescopes, and as such it will open up this new window onthe Universe. LOFAR will impact on a broad range of astrophysics, fromcosmology to solar system studies. There is growing European involvement in LOFAR, driven by the need to addstations far from the main core in order to improve angular resolution.LOFAR-UK is a project aimed at cementing UK participation in LOFAR via theoperation of four stations within the UK. LOFAR-UK ground stations will allowLOFAR observations to reach sub-arcsecond scales at the highest frequencies,and as a result will also improve the (confusion-limited) sensitivity limit ofthe telescope for deep surveys. LOFAR-UK will achieve involvement for UK astronomers in a world-leadingscience facility operating in the immediate future. It will allow the UK tobuild up important scientific and technical expertise in `next generation'radio astronomy in preparation for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), and willplay an important role in broadening the UK community that has an interest inradio astronomy. This White Paper outlines the strategic importance to the UKastronomy community of gaining involvement in the LOFAR project, the scientificinterests of UK researchers in using the telescope, and the technicalchallenges that will need to be overcome [abridged].
机译:低频阵列LOFAR是下一代软件驱动的射电望远镜,工作频率在30至240MHz之间,目前由荷兰的ASTRON正在建造中。这个低频无线电频带是电磁频谱中少数几个未开发的区域之一。 LOFAR提供的灵敏度和角度分辨率将比现有望远镜好2到3个数量级,因此它将为宇宙打开新的窗口。 LOFAR将影响广泛的天体物理学,从宇宙学到太阳系研究。由于需要在远离主核的地方增加加油站以提高角分辨率,因此欧洲越来越多地参与LOFAR。LOFAR-UK是一个旨在通过英国境内四个加油站的运营来巩固英国对LOFAR的参与的项目。 LOFAR-UK地面站将允许LOFAR观测在最高频率下达到亚秒级刻度,因此,这也将改善用于深度测量的望远镜的(混乱限制)灵敏度极限。 LOFAR-UK将在不久的将来让英国天文学家参与世界领先的科学机构的运作。它将使英国在“下一代”射电天文学上积累重要的科学和技术专门知识,为平方公里阵列(SKA)做准备,并将在扩大对射电天文学感兴趣的英国社会中发挥重要作用。本白皮书概述了参与LOFAR项目对英国天文学界的战略重要性,英国研究人员在使用望远镜方面的科学利益以及需要克服的技术挑战。



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